Since I was a child, I had a deep desire to live in the mountains one day!
Born in northern Germany, however, I started my journey in Hong Kong for a two-year stay when I was 20. Inspired by other cultures, I silently said to myself that I would probably not spend the end of my life in Germany. And although I then returned to southern Germany, pursued my sports career and ran my own school as an instructor for fitness and health personnel, I never lost my desire to travel.
Backpacking trips to Indonesia, Thailand, and Tibet – later also to India and Nepal – have enriched my world view and in 2004 the time had come: I needed a change! Although I enjoyed running my training network with all the lovely teachers and participants as well as the seminars and events, I felt the need to explore other worlds – outer as well as inner!
Well, and when it is at its best, it’s time for a change 😉
So I dissolved my previous life, packed my backpack and let myself flow through Central and South America without a plan and without time pressure. During that travel, I’ve learned what a free life truly means and how does the path inwards work. On the outside, I climbed the table mountain Roraima in Venezuela, hiked to Ciudad Perdida in Colombia’s Sierra Nevada and through the sacred valley of Macchu Picchu. Internally, I received my Reiki initiations in Peru and visited shamans in the jungle. And again and again I was drawn to nature for high alpine trekking tours in the Andes until I climbed the 6000m Huayna Potosi in Bolivia. This was one of the most impressive experiences of my life – physically, emotionally and mentally!
After two years of travelling, I longed for a wardrobe – instead my backpack – and stayed in Argentina to follow my calling as a holistic health counsellor in the fields of energy and sound therapy, meditation and consciousness. Letting go of my former life expressed itself in a creative phase with overtone singing, Indian tablas, meditation music and video productions, seminar design and writing manuals and concepts in several languages (see www.arte-vida.info). Through these activities, new doors kept opening for me and I felt an intense inner growth. But after a few years of city life in Buenos Aires, I once again gave in to my intuition surrendering to the next change.
In 2011, I moved into the nature of Patagonia with my partner Fernando. There, a completely new way of life opened up to me, which mainly grounded me after all the physical and spiritual journeys. In addition, a very earthy topic was suddenly on my life’s agenda: our food! Inspired by our new life on a farm with organic vegetable cultivation, my very personal project “No more convenience products” came into being and I started to produce all my food as well as natural cosmetics and home remedies myself. To do this, I intensively studied the topics of nutrition, detoxification and medicinal herbs. Due to persistent travel-related intestinal and parasite problems, I experimented mainly with lactose-free food, which resulted in the fermented Seed Loaves. I was so fascinated by this plant-based version of cheese that I set up a small production, which was well received throughout Argentina, along with workshops and seminars. My first book “Naturally Fermented Nuts” was published in 2019.
A few years earlier, we started building by our own hands two self-sufficient and solar-powered wooden houses, as well as a “chacra” (cultivated land) for self-sufficiency in the middle of the Cordillera of Northern Patagonia. In 2021, we moved completely to the mountains and spent our first winter without driving down to the valley for five months. We have been providing ourselves for over ten years now with grains, legumes, nuts and seeds as well as fruits and vegetables, which I mainly ferment during harvest season for the winter. I manufacture all my foods, cosmetics and home remedies from these raw materials. Through this diet we enjoy natural abundance, which gives us strength and energy for the country life as well as for wild and adventurous mountain tours. Moreover, this pure food opens the gates for more sensitivity and spiritual growth. About this “Magical Natural Pantry” and about the art of “Fermentation” I have written two more books.
After all these journeys around the world and the experiences I was able to gain, I discovered this place – or has it discovered me? The mountain calls and so does the inner voice. To follow it and trust it is a life task – for me it fulfilled my childhood dream!

Now, after countless stays in foreign countries, we will play the role of the hosts. Fernando, our dog friend Mora and I, we are happy to welcome travelers and seekers who want to discover new worlds - outer as well as inner ones...
Stefanie Horn
Natur Living
Organic Vegetable Growing
Timber Building and Carpentry
Mountaineering and Trekking Experienced
Dive Instructor and Traveler
Nature Photography
Health Consultant
Adaption to a Natural Diet
Detoxification Support
Home Remedies and Herbal Applications
Holistic Homesteading with the Natural Pantry
Founder of the Brand “Quesemilla”
Production of Seed Loaves and Natural Cosmetics
Former Presenter and Instructor in the Sports and Health Sector
Energy Therapist
Reiki Master
Trainer for Energy and Sound Therapists
Tibetean Bowls and Overtone Singing
Meditation Guide
Akashic Records
NLP and Hypnosis Therapist
Life Coach (Bennett Stellar University)